Days of the Year

SeasonShort YearLong Year

Three Moons

The Red Moon

The red moon, also known as the Herald of War, travels across the sky opposite the direction of the sun multiple times per day, dividing up the day into a ‘watch.’ Each watch is about a third of a day, with 4 hours where the moon is visible followed by 4 hours where it isn’t present in the sky.

This can lead to relatively frequent partial eclipses during some portions of the year, notable more closer to autumn and winter. Because the cycle of the red moon does not precisely divide the day in three the exact time of moonrise gradually shifts. Longer periods of time are divided by when sunrise happens while the red moon is visible, “red days,” and those where it is not.

The Blue Moon

The mystic moon hangs in the sky for days at a time, and is much smaller than the red moon, only barely discernable as more than a large star. These cycles take about five and a half days.

The Wandering Moon

An ill-omened moon which arrives but once every 22 years.