The deadly thrum of insectile wings heralds the arrival of arcane parasites. Brain wasps prefer to lay eggs in arcane spellcasters, which eventually hatch in to new brain wasps.

Brain Wasp, medium beast, 2 HD (2d8+2)

Str 12, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 3, Wis 8, Cha 6
AC 14, Fly 40, unaligned, bite (d6+1), sting (d4+1)
Vulnerable to magic, curses

  • Sting causes numbness reducing Dexterity by 2 (DC 12 Con save avoids). Failing by 5 or more means a parasitic egg has taken root.
  • Spellcasting: Able to use a single spell 2/day which is
    • 1-75% level 1, 76-100% level 2
    • from 1d8: 1 - abjuration, 2 - conjuration, 3 - divination, 4 - enchantment, 5 - evocation, 6 - illusion, 7 - necromancy, 8 - transmutation
  • Spellcaster Scent: can smell active spells and casting spells, pending favorable winds, up to half a league

Greater example of their kind are those which come directly from a potent spellcaster. Despite their limited eusociality these are known as “queens”

Brain Wasp Queen, medium beast, 4 HD (4d8+4)

Str 14, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 3, Wis 8, Cha 6
AC 14, Fly 40, unaligned, bite (d6+2), sting (d4+2)
Vulnerable to magic, curses

  • Sting causes numbness reducing Dexterity by 2 (DC 14 Con save avoids). Failing by 5 or more means a parasitic egg has taken root.
  • Spellcasting: Able to use three spells, each 2/day which is
    • 1-25% level 1, 26-80% level 2, 81-100% level 3
    • all from 1d8: 1 - abjuration, 2 - conjuration, 3 - divination, 4 - enchantment, 5 - evocation, 6 - illusion, 7 - necromancy, 8 - transmutation
  • Spellcaster Scent

Varieties of Brain Wasp

A few notable types of brain wasp can be found in various regions of the world. Eastern brain wasps are smaller, almost entirely black, and have a sting which produces amnesia. They have a greater proficiency in stealth and tend to live more solitary lives. High mountains tend to favor much larger colonies of brain wasps, although much weaker individually. These have a sting that induces a stupor that hosts are kept in for the duration. Such wasps are even able to hibernate long periods and have exceptionally extended lifespans.