Quick overview to help you be more familiar with how the game works and what options there are. For explicit changes to rules see Houserules and Campaign Details.
Basic Rules
Basic rolls
- Skill Check: 2d6 + Skill Level + Attribute Bonus
- If no skill then either at -1 or potentially impossible
- Difficulty usually ranges from 6 to 14
- Combat: d20 + Attack Bonus + Attribute Bonus
- Initiative: d8 + Dexterity Bonus
Going to 0 HP you start dying unless a DC 8 + rounds you’ve been down Heal check is made. Increases to 10 without good tools and down to 6 with a Lazarus patch.
Here are some useful things you ought to know based on what skills your character has.
Law level is a guide for how strict a local government is about regulations. If engaging in blatant illegality this can often result in a check of 2d6, anything lower than this results in intervention by local law. The severity of the crime modifies this check, from -1 for a bar brawl to -4 for murder and gunfighting.
Connections can be used to find people and services in an area. This can be especially relevant for trading in starports. See Trading
Physically adept characters (with at least Exert-0) can adapt better to worlds with unusually high or low gravity, typically this takes 1d6 weeks but with Exert is reduced to 1d6 - Exert days. Before acclimating a -1 penalty applies to most physical rolls.
Fix can be useful in many scenarios, reducing the cost of repairs and also creating unique modifications to equipment. See Stars Without Number, Modding and Building Equipment, p. 90
Characters reduce to 0 HP are dying and require medical intervention. Even after this the recovery period can be weeks without a biopsychic. See Stars Without Number, Injury, Death, and Healing, p. 53
Characters who Know things are familiar with the basic Nature of the Galaxy, and are adept at astrogration.
Alongside basic skill uses Lead is rolled to determine how effective plans including delegation can be, and can be important for an effective starship captain.
Perform also includes knowledge on local games, entertainments, and other common social customs. Gambling skill is included here, as well as understanding of Azad, a popular method among Aslan clans used to settle disputes.
Pilot is used to operate spacecraft and other vehicles, although skillful operation of a mech is an entirely different matter. See Houserules and Campaign Details
Useful for many computer related tasks, as well as hacking. See Stars Without Number, Hacking, p. 54
Punch, Shoot, Stab
Personal combat is covered in Stars Without Number, Combat, p. 48. Note that
- Most melee weapons deal reduced damage even on a miss
- Turning your back on an opponent without Disengaging grants a free attack
- Only one handed ranged weapons can be used in melee, and even then at a -4
- Move actions generally cannot be split up
Notice, Sneak
Sneak can be useful to take opponents by surprise, which denies them the ability to act in the first round. This also includes aptitude at disguises and security; with some overlap with Fix and Program depending on the nature of the system. Taking an opponent who is wholly unaware and unprepared may also allow for an instantly fatal strike. See Stars Without Number, Execution Attacks, p. 52
Survival skills also include training on basic protective equipment, including radiation shielding. Some long term hazards may instead inflict System Strain. See Stars Without Number, Environmental Hazards, p. 58
Talk can often be a better way to resolve conflicts than the threat of mortal wounds. Additional languages depend on the Know and Connect skills, or by taking the Diplomat focus.
Trade can be useful to negotiate basic prices, and can also be useful for larger scale Trading.
Involves basic knowledge of blue collar tasks, on Djend this means farming and ranching. A character skilled at Working can usually pick up these new local skills as they travel, but will typically depend on your character’s background.