A light combat mech produced by the Florian League. The J-Series are designed to be an affordable version which they sell to external parties.

Size: 1/2
Armor: 0
Save Target: 10
Sensors: 9
E-Defense: 8
Tech Attack: +0

HP: 10
Evasion: 9
Heat Cap: 4
Speed: 5

Two Weapon Mounts (default two rotator canons)
Rotator Canon: Range 10, 1d6 damage, become accurate if firing at same target for two turns

Available Modifications

Smoke Charge - Quick Action, size 2 soft cover for 1 turn

Projected Shield - protocol, 2 penalty dice to and from a single target

Smart Missiles - main weapon, 1d6 damage, smart

Expanded Compartment - can carry an additional pilot or payload

Deployable Cover - quick action, place 8 HP hard cover

Bombard Canon - arcing, inaccurate, range 15, 1d6+1 damage